Vizuālā diagnostika Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as - VD), in co-operation with Veselības centrs 4 Ltd., established the Centre of Remote Diagnostics in 2010, which provides our patients with the opportunity of receiving the consultations of the leading specialists of Latvia in the sectors of X-Ray diagnostics, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and mammography examinations by providing informative processing of the images and the provision of the required conclusions to other medical institutions.
The Centre of Remote Diagnostics of VD uses Siemens and GE workstations, which are especially designed to optimise the work efficiency of radiologists-diagnosticians and ensure high quality of examination images, to examine their patients. The devices involve the use of modern 64-bit technology quad-core processor, which enables the use of multi-modal image review, comparison and processing methods. GE AW VolumeShare 5 workstations provide a series of automated functions that optimise the efficiency and speed of work, enabling access to patient examinations on a 24/7 basis. The workstation provides the opportunity to filter patients by name and surname of radiologist diagnostician and referring physician, date, examination time, registration number, status or description. The functionality of the workstation also ensures dynamic processing of patient data by retaining them in the system and providing the opportunity of mutual co-operation among physicians in submitting patient data for further examinations. Furthermore, VolumeShare 5 remembers every work function of the workstation, by recording every instance of user software and ensuring strict protection of patient’s personal data.
Together with the most modern devices of diagnostic radiology, VD has upgraded image processing system Siemens Syngo.via and supplemented it with the software for the processing of examinations of cardiology and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. The newest technologies for the recognition of anatomical orientation are available by means of Syngo.via – automatic labelling of spinal vertebrae and ribs, which considerably improves the diagnostic quality and reduces the risk of errors in remote descriptions. The software enables the creation of multiplanar reconstructions (MPR) and volume rendering technique (VRT) images from the examination data present in the archive in accordance with the settings selected by the user. This functionality enables the development of individual user settings in addition to standardised examination methods. The system is integrated in all devices of VD radiological examinations, ensuring even diagnostically specific image quality.