Whole body magnetic resonance screening is performed in order to rule out clinically significant diseases, most often oncological diseases and various neoplasms. The level from the head to the pelvis is included in the examination, as most oncological diseases are located in these parts of the body. This examination is more suitable for people who were diagnosed with cancer or need to rule it out if there are unclear symptoms with suspected cancer.
This examination cannot replace a detailed examination of any particular part of the body, for example, examination of the head, because it scans the head with special sequences for as long as it scans the whole body in this examination; the same applies to other parts of the body, such as the chest, liver, pelvis, etc.
Descriptions of the examination for patients are prepared by two physicians: Dr. Kaspars Stepanovs – description of the abdominal cavity organs, lungs, and Dr. Sarmīte Dzelzīte – description of the brain, nervous system, musculo-skeletal system.
It should be noted that due to the laws of physics it is impossible to include arms in the examination, therefore, in case of any pathology in the arms or shoulders, these areas are most often impossible to assess.
The patient receives a description of all organ systems located at the respective level: brain, soft tissues, chest, lungs, liver, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, urinary tract, pelvis, aorta, and lymph nodes.
The examination lasts about one hour, and the patient receives the conclusion within 10 business days.
No special preparation is required – the only thing that should be observed – avoid eating 4 hours before the examination. In order to perform it, you should take a specialists referral with you.
Important notice: this method, like any magnetic resonance examination, is carried out without ionising radiation; special diffusion sequences that show modified tissues are used. This is a particularly important aspect for cancer patients, because modified tissues are characteristic for identification of malignant process development. In studies, the whole body diffusion examination method has proved to be very effective for patients with diagnosed breast, prostate tumours involving bone marrow, and in cases of diffuse hematological diseases, for instance, in case of myeloma. The method is also applied for patients with lymphoma in order to control the dynamics of therapy.
Standard price for the whole body magnetic resonance screening: 335.00 EUR.
The examination may be covered through an insurance policy, taking into account the conditions of the programmes of the insurance company concerned.
The examination is available in SIA Vizuālā diagnostika branches in Riga –
- Centre of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Magnētiskās rezonanses centrs), Mārupes Street 1a, phone: +371 67847721, +37129144744, e-mail: agenskalns@vc4.lv
- Office of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Grebenščikova Street 1, phone: +37167798022, +371 26300311, e-mail: mr.dc@vc4.lv